Frequently Asked Questions

How to order online?

It's easy! Click on the ‘Order Now’ button, select your order type, select the store or add your address, and then order from our menu.

How will I know that the restaurant has received my order?

When you place your order online you will get a confirmation email that the order has been successfully placed and received by the restaurant. If you need to contact the restaurant after you have placed your order, please visit our Store Locator page to find their telephone number.

Can I order online and then collect my order directly from the restaurant?

Yes. Please choose the ‘Takeaway’ order type when placing your pizza order.

Why can’t I order from the restaurant of my choice?

To make sure you receive the hottest and freshest pizzas, each restaurant has a specific delivery area. If your address falls outside of the restaurant’s delivery zone, we will not be able to deliver to you. Don’t worry, you can still order for ‘Takeaway’.

Can I browse the menu without signing up?

Yes. Click on the ‘Order Now’ button, select your order type, select the store or add your address, and then order from our menu. You can then view the menu as a guest, without registering or using a password.

Why do I have to locate by restaurant to view the menu?

Menus vary by restaurant. In order to provide you with the most detailed  information possible, including prices, we ask you to first locate and select the restaurant you wish to order from.

Why am I unable to place an order online but am able to order over the phone?

There are two possibilities:
1) When you call on the phone, restaurants sometimes use their discretion to expand their formal delivery areas. When you order online, the restaurant doesn't have this opportunity.
2) There is a website mistake. If you would like us to investigate, please submit a comment with a problem description on our Contact Us page. You must include your full address and the full address of the restaurant from which you are attempting to order.

Which payment options are available through online ordering?

Payment options vary by restaurant. All options for a particular restaurant are presented to the customer on the checkout screen.

May I order pizza for tomorrow?

No. However, you can place an order for later in the same day.

How do I reset/remember my password?

We don’t use passwords. You log into our site using your email only. We then send you a code and you can start ordering pizza.

How long does pizza last?

Shelf life of fresh baked pizza is: 
– at +2˚С to +6˚С temperature – 24 hours, 
– when hot – 3 hours.

What is a promo code?

Promo code is a code word or character set, that activates a promotion or gift item on your account. There are disposable or reusable promo codes. Disposable promo code can be used just once while the promotion is active. Reusable promo code can be used for unlimited orders while the promotion is active. 

Where can I get a promo code?

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, check our mailings, and updates, visit our website and you will find out about new promotions and promo codes. To receive our special offers by an email, visit our Sign Up page and fill out a short form. 

Where should I enter a promo code to activate the promotion?

Press  the "Use promo code" button on the main screen. After entering the  promo code, the coupon with the promotion will also appear on the main  screen.

Why does a promo code not work after entering?

There are several reasons, why a promo code won’t work: 
– You have already used a disposable promo code; 
– The promotion is not active anymore; 
– The promo code has been entered incorrectly. Check and enter it again. Promo codes are case-sensitive. Do not copy promo codes, enter them manually.